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Tag - how to prolong your tan
how to prolong your tan
Skincare and make-up
Sep 6, 2021
What can be done to make the tan stay with us longer?
Do you want your holiday tan to last a long time? Check out how to achieve it!
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Style and trends
Oct 1, 2021
What dresses to wear in the fall?
Fall fashion is not only about thick sweaters and coats. There are also dresses. We suggest which models are perfect for autumn styling
Face and body
Skincare and make-up
Jan 14, 2021
7 hair care mistakes you probably have on your conscience
Your actions affect your hair. Find out which mistakes to avoid to enjoy a beautiful hairstyle.
Style and trends
Jan 14, 2021
7 things you can buy at winter sales and use in spring
Winter sales are a great opportunity to find clothes and accessories at much lower prices. Despite appearances, you can use them at any time of the year, not only during frosty weather.
skin care
makeup tricks
fashion inspirations
trends spring-summer 2021
hair care
well-groomed face and body
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